
woman with rosacea

Rosacea services offered in Trumbull, Westport and Derby, CT

If you experience frequent flushing or redness in your face, you might have a condition called rosacea. The dermatologists at Adult & Pediatric Dermatology Specialists have extensive experience with rosacea and help residents of offices in Trumbull, Westport, and Derby, Connecticut, find lasting relief. Book your visit online or by phone today to learn more.

Rosacea Q & A

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is not a single condition but a term used to describe a group of common skin issues. The most common element of rosacea is facial skin that is red or takes on a flushed or blushing appearance. 

There are so many different types of rosacea that dermatologists group them into several categories based on the symptoms. The four types of rosacea are characterized by:

  • Redness and flushing, as well as broken blood vessels
  • Acne-type blemishes or bumps
  • Abnormally thickened skin
  • Symptoms that affect the eyes, like cysts and itching


Researchers find that the earliest sign of rosacea is a tendency to blush frequently. 

What causes rosacea?

There is no clear cause of rosacea, but some researchers believe an overactive immune system may be to blame. Environmental and genetic factors might also contribute to rosacea, but it’s clear that the condition does not result from poor hygiene.

Your risk level for developing rosacea is elevated if you:

  • Are over the age of 30
  • Are female
  • Smoke
  • Have a family history of rosacea
  • Have skin that burns easily

If you have a tendency for flushed or red skin, flare-ups can be triggered by certain medications, vigorous exercise, or exposure to sun or wind. 

What are some treatment options for rosacea?

There are a number of treatments that can help with rosacea. Your dermatologist begins by assessing your skin and discussing your experience of symptoms. 

Medication might play a role in your treatment plan. Some topical medications work to reduce flushing by creating restrictions within your blood vessels. This approach requires ongoing reapplication to remain effective. 

Oral medications can help reduce rosacea flare-ups. These drugs are a good fit for people who experience pimples or bumps during rosacea flare-ups. Oral antibiotics or even some acne medications can also yield solid results. 

Laser therapy can help treat rosacea that involves broken blood vessels. The laser energy is drawn to the pigmentation in damaged blood vessels and creates heat that destroys the vessels. It takes weeks for your body to process and eliminate treated vessels, so be patient as your results develop gradually. 

If you’re ready to explore treatment options for rosacea, book a face-to-face visit online at your earliest convenience. You are also welcome to call during normal business hours to check appointment availability.